Even in Berlin the theatre can be more restraining
than liberating. The audience are quiet and compelled to respect the sanctity
of the place. There is polite applause, and no raucous bawling. Therefore when
a gig is performed in a theatre its nature is consequently altered. There is
clapping, and perhaps appreciative cheering, but only minimal whooping and all
bottle flinging is held in check. Everyone is nervous of jiggling legs knocking
over glasses of white wine schorle and
after half the set list all are shuffling to relieve numb butt cheeks. More
London Symphony Orchestra than Southbank bear pits.
For the performer however, playing in a theatre can
go either way; they may, like the audience, restrain themselves in awe under
the proscenium arch, or they can find liberation on stage and a licence to perform a new role. The latter appeared
the case for Roland Saterwhite who on February 14th played his first
concert in a Berlin theatre at English Theatre Berlin. As well as being a
musician, Roland practices free improvisation, and therefore it was perhaps
expected that this wouldn’t take the form of a regular concert.
However at first, emerging amongst a half
constructed set, caught in the lights Roland appeared like he was indeed scared
of the stage. He crept ...
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To read the complete article please visit ADS Records
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